
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 6: Butt Bible February 28th

"Don't wish it were easier.  Wish you were better." - Jim Rohn

Today's Update:  
I am a bit sore from yesterday.  I almost think that I could use heavier weights.

Today's task: A Workout
Billy Blanks Cardio Inferno
Day 6 of the Butt Bible schedule is a rest day or a cardio day.  I decided to try to do Billy Blanks Bootcamp Cardio Inferno.  I couldn't remember anything about this DVD.  It has been a while since I have done this workout.

No equipment needed.

Actual time of the supposed 60 minute workout is 58 minutes.  The workout is mostly 45 minutes and then there is a cool down.

I thought this would be a good cardio session, but to be honest, this workout is not too much cardio.  Billy Blanks talks too much in this video and there are too many breaks.  I did not sweat very much because the cardio sections were placed between large breaks where Billy was talking a lot.  This DVD focuses on the legs (saddlebags) and the arms (no gobble gooble arms).

I am going to have to find another DVD or some other activity for my cardio days.

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 5: Butt Bible February 27th

"Health is the greatest possession.  Contentment is the greatest treasure.  Confidence is the greatest friend.  Non-being is the greatest joy." - Lao Tzu

Today's Update:  
I am not too sore from yesterday's lower body workout, but I guess you should talk to me later today.  I feel strong today and that is a good thing.  My sleep was not terribly disturbed.  My LO only woke up once last night thanks to a white noise machine that played all night.

Today's task: A Workout
The Butt Bible
Day 5 of the Butt Bible schedule is the Butt Bible Upper Body Level 1. This is the second day of Upper Body Level 1.

I decided to challenge myself and increase the weight of my dumbbells.  I went from a pair of 5 pound weights to 8 pound weights.  It was definitely more difficult today.  I hope I feel it this time, because I was not sore after Level 1 Upper Body the last time I did the workout.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout is 21 minutes.

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 4: Butt Bible February 26th

"There's only one growth strategy: work hard." - William Hague

Today's Update:  
Well, I think it's official.  My pants from pre-pregnancy don't fit.   They are too big!  I am not sure how it happened, and there are 2 plausible explanations:  I stretched them out while growing bigger while pregnant, or I am smaller than I was before I was pregnant.  I didn't work out regularly before the pregnancy so it could be either. Too bad I didn't measure myself before I was pregnant.  Now, I only need my stomach to go back to the way it was.  I am still a bit bigger around the middle.

I am not sore from yesterday's workout, which means that I need to up the weight I suppose.  It was too easy.

Today's task: A Workout
The Butt Bible
Day 4 of the Butt Bible schedule is the Butt Bible Lower Body Level 1.  This is the second time that I did this workout and I felt the muscle soreness during the exercise, and I think I will definitely feel it tomorrow.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout is 21 minutes.

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 3: Butt Bible February 25th

"A strong body makes the mind strong." - Thomas Jefferson 

Today's Update:  
I feel pretty good yesterday thanks to a little nap yesterday and a workout.

Today's task: A Workout
Pure Burn
Day 3 of the Butt Bible schedule is a choice between a rest day or a cardio day.  I have decided to do Bob Harper's Pure Burn DVD as the cardio for today.  It has a beginner workout which is 20 minutes.

Equipment needed for the Pure Burn Super Strength DVD are as follows: A pair of dumbbells.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout is exactly 20 minutes.  I love that there is an indicator on the bottom of the screen telling you exactly that it is 20 minutes and it counts down to the end.

This workout is not really cardio.  I had not done this workout in so long that I forgot.  I think I am going to have to find something else for my cardio days.  I might try Billy Blanks Cardio Inferno.  I can't remember if this DVD was any good, but I guess I'll find out in a few days on my next cardio day.

I enjoyed the workout, but it is definitely more strength and not so much a cardio workout.

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 2: Butt Bible February 24th

"If we don't change, we don't grow.  If we don't grow, we aren't really living." - Gail Sheehy

Today's Update:  
I can really feel the work from the lower body workout from yesterday.  There is a good soreness in my legs and butt.  I think this workout might actually work.

Today's task: A Workout
The Butt Bible
Day 2 of the Butt Bible program is the Butt Bible Upper Body Level 1 workout today.  It is a 20 minute workout dedicated to your lower half.

Equipment needed for the Level 1 Upper Body: A set of dumbbell weights

This workout moves fast and before you know it, the workout is over.  I think it must be Pauline's incessant talking.  She talks about nut cracking again.  Ha ha.. but this time it is between your shoulder blades.

This fast paced workout moves from one set to another and although the moves are not anything different from what you expect or you have seen before, your arms and shoulders definitely feel the soreness.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout is 21 minutes.

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 1: The Butt Bible DVD February 23rd

"From small beginnings come great things." - Proverb

Today's Update:  
I was in quite a mood this morning.  I have trouble when my routine is disrupted. Usually, I get my workout and shower during my LO first nap, but that didn't happen the last 2 days and I felt myself getting irritated.  I guess I need to go with the flow a little more, huh?  Well, I need to work on that skill.

Today's task: A Workout
The Butt Bible
Day 1 of the Butt Bible starts with the Butt Bible Lower Body Level 1 workout today.  It is a 20 minute workout dedicated to your lower half.

Equipment needed for the Level are as follows: yourself and a towel

Starting a new workout is like meeting a new person, you aren't quite sure if you'll like each other, but you have to stick it out for the first meeting to figure if you are compatible.  Pauline Nordin te instructor is very talkative.  I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but when this workout was over I was surprised how fast it seemed to be over.  Her accent was kind of interesting. She's fom Sweden, and she said a few things and I thought why did she say.  She said the same thing again and again and I was sure of what she said.  "Squeeze the nuts between your cheeks." and "This is how you make love to your butt." Kind of funny, right?

Exercise videos contain a lot of unintentional comedy.  It's nice to be amused while working out. It makes the time go by fast.  The exercises are not anything too new, just effective exercises for a better butt.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout is 21 minutes.

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Friday, February 22, 2013

30 Day Shred Review and Notes

"Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred is a workout DVD with 3 complete workouts.  The workouts are 3 different levels which progress to harder and harder.  The workouts all use Jillian's 3-2-1 Interval system which mix cardio, strength and abdominal exercises for more efficient weight loss.

Each workout contains a warm-up, 3 circuits, each circuit with 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs, and finally a 2 minutes cool down. 

Equipment needed for the workout are hand weights and a mat if exercising on a hard surface.  

Each level workout has an advanced workout, with Natalie, and a modified workout with Anita.  

Most annoying thing for me in this workout is that Jillian keeps saying it is a 20 minute workout.  It is  not a 20 minute workout; each workout is 27 minutes long, just a pet peeve of mine I guess.  

The workouts themselves are quite good and I felt the it was working as soon as I started.  I liked that I was able to progress from modified through advanced at each level (in 10 days) and then have a new workout to challenge me for the next 10 days.  

I did find that I was kind of bored doing one workout everyday for 10 days though.  I read on an Amazon review a suggestion to intermix the levels so you don't get bored and this sounds like a good idea.  I suppose if you were beginning though, level 3 is not where you would want to stop.  

The music in the video is pretty uninspiring, but after you get the hang of the workouts you can mute it and play your own music at your house.  

I would have liked some guidance as to how much weight to perform for each exercise.  There was no suggestion as far as I could see.  

Review of Jillian Michael's web-site:
I did start a 30 day trial of the web-site.  I am always annoyed when things say FREE and then ask for a credit card before you sign up and tell you that it will be automatically renewed.  It's just another way people steal money from consumers.  It took 2 e-mails to make sure that it did not automatically renew, and I was charged  $1 with an email that I needed to look at to make sure I get a refund.

The actual web-site was not very easy to navigate.  There are so many buttons that it is kind of overwhelming. It had a weight tracker, exercise and food log.  The food log was not very easy to use and I don't believe that it accurately assessed some of my food.  I barely used this feature.  The exercise log was fairly easy to use since I was using one of her DVDs, but if I worked out on a "Rest" day than I could not get credit for it.

The web-site is very full of information.  It has pages and pages of information regarding nutrition, exercise, metabolic hormones, and more.  I think I could spend days here trying to read everything.

I feel my arms are more toned and my abs are firmer.  I feel good about finishing the 30 days.  I am more in the habit of working out regularly. Yay!  I think these are all positive results.

If you have a limited amount of time 27 minutes, you can get a good workout in an efficient manner.

Out of 30 Days:
24 Workouts
6 Rest days

Day 30: 30 day Shred February 22nd

"A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at." - Bruce Lee

Today's Update:  
I slept slightly better last night.  My neck is a bit better which has helped my headache.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
Level 3 workout for the final day!  I was excited to finish today's workout knowing that it was my final time, at least regularly, of doing this workout.  I have improved on this workout and I could see myself doing this workout from time to time if I am short on time.  I was not able to advance totally throughout the workout doing all the advanced moves.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 29: 30 day Shred February 21st

"Always stay positive, being negative is the worst thing you can do." - Unknown

Today's Update:  
I am not in such a great mood.  I am tired and irritable and I just want to sleep.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
Level 3 workout. The workout is getting easier. I don't feel as tired after the first circuit.  I start feeling the burn in the second circuit.  Tomorrow is the last day of the 30 day Shred.  Wow! 30 days has flown.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 28: 30 day Shred February 20th

"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." - Winston Churchill

Today's Update:  
I did not sleep great last night, but that's nothing new recently.  I am still trying to figure out what the root of my headache is.  I still had it today and I think it's from neck tension from bad posture. I'll try to work on it.  It is really wearing on me.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
Level 3 workout.  I like this workout a lot.  It is challenging and that's a good thing.  Only a few days left.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 27: 30 day Shred February 19th

"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows." - Ralph Marston

Today's Update:  
Well, I slept moderately well last night.  When do babies sleep through the night?  :)  I felt good enough to do the workout today and it's raining outside so doing something inside was great.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
Level 3 workout today.  I am getting the hang of it now and I really am enjoying this workout.  It is challenging still, but I like it.  Only a few days left in my 30 day challenge.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 26: 30 day Shred February 18th

"Gratitude helps you grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you." - Eileen Caddy

Today's Update:  
A rough night last night and my love is sick.  Not a great day to workout.  Unfortunately, when my love is sick.  I am unable to use the DVD and tv.

Today's task: Rest
I was really tired today and needed some sleep and to take care of household thing until tomorrow.

Quote from:

Looking Ahead: Next 30 day Challenge Start Date February 23rd

I was looking around to find the next 30 day challenge and I've decided to do the Butt Bible DVD.  There are 2 cardio days which is user's choice, so I will be doing Bob Harper's Pure Burn DVD on those days.

For the next 30 days, I will commit to following "The Butt Bible" DVD.  The schedule that I found on the internet, not without digging deep, is to do each level for 2 weeks.   There are 6 workouts, 2 for each level which include an upper body workout and a lower body workout.  I could not for the life of me find the nutrition guidelines for the DVD.  I truly am disappointed that the link where I was supposed to find the workout schedule and the meal guidelines was not functioning and the person that is featured in the Butt BiblePauline Nordin, did not have the decency to place the "free schedule and meal plan" on her web-site.  I suppose some people don't care that so many people are frustrated with them.  I found numerous discussion threads which have many people wondering where to get the workout schedule and meal plan.  One person in one of the discussion threads thankfully posted the workout schedule, but no one has thus far posted the meal guidelines.  I found a rough idea of the meal plan on another web-site, but it is very vague and not too helpful.  C'est la vie, I suppose!

Here's the 6 week plan that I found in the discussion group for those that need it.  It's not included with the DVD.

The information below is all that I could come up with for the meal guidelines.  They are pretty rough and are not too explicit.  I really wish Pauline would just post the meal guidelines and the schedule on her website.

Butt Bible Nutrition from
In order to see the meal plan, you will have to go to the Butt Bible web site, but the nutrition plan is thorough. (LINK DOES NOT WORK) For your nutrition, you will engage in Lean Eating. You will be enjoying healthy, fresh foods and avoiding added sugar, bad fat and foods that are heavily processed. Some of the things to avoid include high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, honey, agave syrup and fructose. Avoiding bad fats includes things like switching out whole milk for skim milk, and avoiding fried foods. Your diet will consist of about 30 percent protein, 50 percent vegetables and 20 percent fats. There is a complete list of foods to eat and foods to avoid included with the menu plan and guidelines.
There are also some options for you to swap out for healthier choices. You are allowed one cheat day per week where you can have your favorite foods in moderation. This is a five meal per day program which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. Some of the allowed foods on the program include:
  • All herbs
  • All vegetables
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Shrimp
  • Pacific cod
  • Pink salmon
  • Tilapia
  • Whole egg
  • Rainbow trout
  • Scallops
  • Sardines

Although this DVD is for a better butt in 6 weeks, i.e. 42 days, I thought that I would try it for the 30 days and then continue if I see results.  There are some amazing results posted online.  There are plenty of those photos on line if you care to see other people's results.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 25: 30 day Shred February 17th

"During meditation your metabolism and your breath rate go down to a level of rest, twice that of deep sleep." - Mike Love

Today's Update:  
I felt pretty awful this morning.  I ate very very poorly yesterday and this morning.  I really didn't want to workout but I made a commitment to follow this 30 days through.  It really isn't that long to stick to a goal right?

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
Level 3 workout today, again.  At the beginning of my workout today, I decided to just commit to doing the first circuit.  I did not think I would make it through it today because of feeling so poorly.  As I started to workout though, I thought this isn't so bad and kept going right to the end of the workout.

I felt much better after this workout today, but I felt even better after I took a shower.  After my shower, I sat in a quiet spot and did some deep breathing in the sunlight.  My headache seems to have gone for now.  Oxygen to my brain seems to have helped.  Ahhh.. Breathe in, breathe out.  I feel much better.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from: 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 24: 30 day Shred February 16th

"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life.  Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people's thinking.  Don't let the noise of other's opinion drowned your own inner voice.  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs

Today's Update:  
I'm pretty wiped out again.  Last night I did not sleep very well.  I still have that darn headache.  I think I need more sleep.  I did get a nap in today, but it doesn't really make up for the hours of sleep lost and lack of sleep has a variety of possible effects.

From wikipedia:

Generally, sleep deprivation may result in:[5][6]

Today's task: Be active
I needed a change of pace today.  I did a bike ride outside since it was nice out.  I'm getting a bit bored with the Jillian Michael's DVD.  Only a few more days of it after today.

Quote from:

Sleep deprivation info:

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 23: 30 day Shred February 15th

"What the mind can conceive, it can achieve." - Napoleon Hill

Today's Update:  
I am a bit more well rested today thankfully!  I was ready to workout today, because I feel more refreshed.  Ahh... Nothing like a good day's rest.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
My 2nd day of Level 3 workout today.  The workout is challenging and I really enjoy the effort that is required to finish this workout.  I was feeling the muscle burn in circuit 1 again.  I can't wait to be able to get through the workout with ease.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 22: 30 Day Shred February 14th

"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own.  Yo do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president.  You realize that you control your own destiny." - Albert Ellis

Today's Update:  
Happy Valentine's day!

My LO woke up 5 times last night in 11 hours.  So if you do the math, I was up about every hour and a half.  :(  I am tired and need a rest.  My back was really sore from yesterday's workout.  

Today's task: Rest
It is great to take a day of rest.  I have been a little run down.  My headache and my fever are indications of that.  I decided that if I have done my workout for 3 days I deserve a day of rest.  I did take a little walk today, but other than that no workout. 

Quote from:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 21: 30 day Shred February 13th

"The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score." - Bill Copeland  

Today's Update:  
Well, my fever went away, but my headache didn't.  I'm not sure about the cause, but I sure wish it would go away.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
The first day of Level 3 of the 30 day Shred today.  I have never gotten to this level before on the DVD.  It is significantly harder than the other two levels.  I have a long way to go to master this level. I was chuckling during this level because Jillian says this is when your six pack abs will show up.  Hmm....  I am not seeing it yet, but then again I am post pregnancy and my stomach has a long way to go.

I was feeling the burn in the first circuit.  I can feel this level is working me for sure.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 1/2 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 20: 30 day Shred February 12th

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

Today's Update:  
Today was challenging.  My LO took short naps and was not so happy today.  I ended up doing my workout during at 6pm.  My headache that I have had for a few days is still around and after my workout I decided to check my temperature.  I had a fever.  Next time I have a headache that isn't caused by dehydration will someone remind me to check my temperature. 

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
The last day of Level 2 workout today.  I am glad I did a no excuses approach toward my workout. I really didn't want to do it although I did have a fever so maybe I should have taken a day off.  

Level 3 tomorrow if my fever goes down.  I'm 2/3 of the way through this 30 day challenge.  

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 19: 30 day Shred February 11th

"Don't be concerned that things appear to be falling apart: this has to happen in order for something new and wonderful to emerge."- Marianne Williamson

Today's Update:  
So, my LO (little one) is definitely teething.  That's why he's waking up so much at night.  Last night I slept in his room and kept turning on the white noise machine and he slept for 5 hours.  Perhaps I need to get a white noise machine that remains on?  I was able to sleep enough to have dreams, so I think that is progress.  :)

Today's task: Workout
Day 9 of Level 2 workout.  I was rested enough to push myself a little harder in Level 2 today.  I felt strong and the workout is still challenging for me, but I feel that I am able to get through the workout more easily than at the beginning of these past 9 days of Level 2.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Quote from:

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 18: 30 Day Shred February 10th

"The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth."- Unknown

Today's Update:  
Last night was a terrible night for sleeping.  I woke up 7 times maybe.  Fortunately my husband allowed me to have a nap.  Is it sad that a good day for me includes a nap and a workout?

Today's task: Workout
Day 8 of Level 2 workout.  It felt good to workout today.  It is getting easier to do this workout.  Progress is being made.  :)

Quote from:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 17: 30 day Shred February 9th

"Fatigue is the best pillow."- Benjamin Franklin

Today's Update:  
I am tired again.  Days and days of waking up every 3 hours at night because of a teething baby is making me a walking zombie.  My head hurts and I am not functioning very well.  I tried to nap this afternoon and I just could not fall asleep.  I am going to try to sleep right now.

Today's task: Rest
From Jillian Michael's web-site
If you work hard, you have to rest hard, too! Although it may feel odd to take a day off, rest is crucial to any sensible fitness and weight-loss regimen. You have to give your muscles a chance to recuperate and repair. Use this time to reflect on your goals and catch up on your food log.
Relax and enjoy — you’ll be kicking butt again tomorrow!

Quote from:

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 16: 30 day Shred February 8th

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."- Bill Cosby

Today's Update:  
I am exhausted.  I have no desire to do anything but sleep.  I worked this morning, didn't sleep well and I am completely wiped out from the last few nights of not sleeping well.  I made myself workout though.  That's something since I literally had absolutely no desire to workout. Over half way done with my 30 day experiment. :)

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
Level 2 workout today again.  I am getting more accustomed to the workout, but still feel the burn by the end of the workout in circuit 3.  It's a good feeling to do the workout even when I didn't want to at all.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 15: 30 day Shred February 7th

"The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible."- Joel Brown

Today's Update:  
Last night I slept moderately better than the two nights before.  I am tired. I forced myself to workout today because I know my body and my brain needs it.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
Level 2 workout today again.  It is hard to believe that I've been doing this for two weeks.  How time has flown.  I still feel the muscle burn in the 3rd circuit of workout.  It is still a challenge.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 14: 30 day Shred February 6th

"No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying."- Tony Robbins

Today's Update:  
Last night was even worse than the day before, but I decided that I had to do my workout today since I didn't workout yesterday.  I forget to keep track of my walks with my LO (little one.)  Today's walk was a long one 2 1/2 miles.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred
The 3rd day of Level 2 workout today.  I am still learning the moves and it is challenging for sure.   I have a long way to master these moves.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 13: 30 Day Shred February 5th

“A day of Rest is always needed.” ― Solange Nicole

Today's Update:  
I did not sleep well last night and I am just wiped out.  Rest is the order of the day.  Although I did not do my 30 day shred workout, I went for a walk with my LO (little one.)

Today's task: Rest

If you go on to Jillian Michael's web-site, she asks which 2 days of the week you want to rest.  I haven't been doing 2 rest days, so I think I deserve it.  I'm so wiped out.

Quote from:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 12: 30 day Shred February 4th

"Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.  Seize common occasions and make them great."- Orison Sweet Marden

Today's Update:  
Finally, I was able to sleep fairly well last night.  I was still feeling tired today though and I didn't feel like working out, but I did.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred

The 2nd day of Level 2 workout today.  I am still learning the moves and it is challenging for sure.  My arms are sore from yesterday.  I think it was the v raises.  I am looking forward to mastering this Level 2.  It's kind of getting on my nerves that she keeps saying this is a 20 minute workout when it is actually a 27 minute workout.  I might have to mute her tomorrow.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 11: 30 day Shred February 3rd

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.  Willing is not enough; we must do."  - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Today's Update:  
Another hard night of being woken up by my little one.  I must work on getting him to sleep better.  It's making me so tired.  I am feeling fairly good today considering.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred

On to Level 2 of the DVD.  Level 2 is a bit harder than Level 1.  I was happy to work on new moves as I was getting bored doing the same moves over and over for the last 10 days.  It seems like this level focuses on a lot of core moves incorporated with the cardio portions with thrusters and plank jacks.

I enjoyed Level 2 and I found it to be challenging and a good workout.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute Level 2 workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 10: 30 day Shred February 2nd

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."  - Aristotle

Today's Update:  
After yesterdays hectic day and a horrific sleep, my little one woke me up 4 times last night, I really didn't want to workout.  I was tired and groggy.  I was able to get a long nap this afternoon so I am feeling much better.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred

Last day of Level 1 workout from the DVD.  I am glad that this is the last day of Level 1.  I am looking forward to working out to Level 2 tomorrow.  The workout is so much easier than when I started.  Progress is being made!

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 9: 30 Day Shred February 1st

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.  - Brian Tracy

Today's Update:  
I am feeling like I am in a routine of working out as opposed to out of a routine and irregularly working out.  It is making me feel pleased about myself that I have been sticking to it this time.  I realize it's only been 9 days, but I usually workout for 3 days and then stop for a week or two and then work out for three days and then stop.  Repeat and repeat.  I will try not to get in that bad cycle again.

Today's task: A Workout
Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred

Level 1 workout from the DVD again.  I am nearly bored with this workout, and can't wait until day 11 when I'll start Level 2.  It is still a good workout and I can't do the advance moves yet, but I am not working on the modified versions throughout.

Actual time of the supposed 20 minute workout was 27 minutes. (with all the transitions between moves and segments.)

Link to workout DVD from:

Quote from: