
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Review of Fitness Magazine's Beach Body Bootcamp

Fitness Magazine's Beach Body Bootcamp is a 30 day workout program with a toning workout and options for your cardio for each week.  The toning workout should be done three times a week on nonconsecutive days and the cardio can be done on the same day as the toning workout or in between.

The article claims that a person that follows the workouts and eats that food they recommend that they will loose 10 pounds this month.  As I said in my Looking ahead post about this 30 day challenge, I am not really looking to loose 10 pounds in a month especially since I am still nursing my little one.  I still need the calories.  So with that in mind, here is my review.

The equipment needed for the allover sculpting workout is a resistance band.
The cardio workouts are best done if you have a gym membership or some other access to a treadmill or elliptical.

I can't in good conscience give a full review of this workout and diet plan since I didn't follow the workouts to a tee and I did not follow the diet plan.

With that in mind, I have to say that I found the allover workout easy to do and it was nice to have a portable workout, since a resistance band is small enough to take everywhere with you.

The cardio workouts were aimed more at people with access to a treadmill or elliptical, which I was not able to utilize.  So I ended up trying to make up my workouts as I went.  It was not so successful.   I did find the music links very helpful in keeping track of where I was in my cardio workout and I didn't have to think about what intensity I should be working at.  Well done Fitness magazine.  Thanks for making a very helpful podcast.

The results, well, I can't really say that I saw much.  I found myself getting bored with the workouts through the month and kind of slacked off.  I think maybe I needed more of a challenge after my 42 challenge with the Butt Bible DVD.

Out of 30 Days:
12 Toning Workouts
8 Cardio Workouts
10 Rest days

Not so good this month.... Better next month?

Link to Description of moves and details:

Link to video of how to Allover Toning workout:

Link to the iTunes podcasts for the Cardio Options (the podcasts for this challenge are from March 2011):

From Fitness Magazine May 2011

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