
Friday, January 18, 2013

How did I get here?

I am tired, stressed, out of shape and eating unhealthy.  To be fair, I am a new mother and little sleep makes everything seem a bit more difficult.  The thing is that everyone has trouble surmounting the stress of everyday life.  We are all so busy, too much to do in too little time.  How do we get past the everyday and make our lives better?

This blog is devoted to all the self-help books and workout videos I've collected over the years and never read or exercised to them.

The strategy and course of action are to get fit, to eat better, and to achieve real happiness and build community.

The first 30 days are devoted to getting more fit.  I have purchased a 30 day Jillian Michael DVD video.  No excuses this time.  30 days exercising every day to become more healthy and more fit.

Start date: January 30, 2013.

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