
Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 42: Butt Bible April 5th

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." - Confucius

Today's Update:  
I am glad to see the last day of the Butt Bible program.  It has been getting old.

Today's task: Rest or Cardio Day
Day 42 of the Butt Bible program is a rest day!  The final day of the Butt Bible challenge has arrived.  I am resting up to start up my next challenge the Beach Body Bootcamp tomorrow.

I was able to take a nice walk outside with my little one today as well.

Quote from:


Leann Kruger said...

Did you eat like the diet said to? Did you see big changes in your body?

Simply Samantha said...

I actually did not eat like the diet said to. It's difficult to eat that way with toddlers. My body, butt, was noticeably lifted and my posture improved mostly.